A World of

Limitless Content

Immersive technology offers a gateway to enhanced learning experiences. Research indicates that people retain up to 65% more information when it's presented visually, and 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. With our technology, you can seamlessly transition from 360° videos to classic cinematic displays, giving you access to a spectrum of visual content. When it comes to learning, if you can visualize it, you can grasp it, and we've got the tools to make it a reality in your immersive space.

Your media your way…

Our powerful software tools allow for various types of content/Media to be used within your Immersive lab


New realities lab immersive content

Interactive content can take the form of 360-degree immersive experiences as commonly found in VR, or it can be touch-interactive, transforming the walls of your room into interactive canvases. You can access a wealth of such content online via streaming.


New realities lab immersive content

Your own cloud storage space makes it a breeze to upload and enjoy your own content within your immersive lab. Utilizing a comprehensive selection of industry-standard codecs for compatibility. Data remains fully secure, with the ability to share with other users.


New realities lab immersive content

Our extensive content library boasts thousands of 360° videos and animations spanning a multitude of sectors, from education to professional services. Alongside this rich visual content, we provide comprehensive learning materials to assist you in using our resources.


New realities lab immersive content

The Creation Lab serves as the epicentre for crafting content in an array of formats, spanning from immersive 360° videos to dynamic presentations. Our user-friendly online tools empower you to effortlessly create and upload content directly to your dedicated cloud.

how we play content

Equirectangular projection mapping is a technique used in the field of immersive content creation, particularly for virtual reality and 360° video experiences. It works by taking a spherical or 3D scene and mapping it onto a 2D plane, typically in the form of a rectangular image, known as an equirectangular projection

1. capture or Download

Capture or Download the Equirectangular Image: Begin by either capturing a 360° image using a specialized camera or downloading one from an online source. These images are typically in equirectangular format, meaning they wrap the entire 360-degree scene onto a rectangular image.

New realities lab immersive content

Example of equirectangular image ©New Realities Lab 2023

2. Inject Interactivity

Once you've finished editing and enhancing your equirectangular image, export it in a format suitable for your chosen platform or medium. Common export formats include 360-degree videos or images, which can be uploaded to websites, social media, or used in VR applications.

Have a look at the below image and use your finger or mouse to pan around the scene.

Example of 360 interactive image ©New Realities Lab 2023

3. experience in

immersive reality

By surrounding individuals with a 360-degree field of view, learners are transported into dynamic and interactive educational experiences. This immersion not only makes the learning process more engaging and enjoyable but also stimulates multiple senses, which has been proven to reinforce memory retention. It allows educators to transform complex concepts into visually intuitive and memorable experiences. Whether it's exploring historical landmarks, diving into anatomical structures, or simulating scientific experiments, 360-degree content in immersive rooms brings abstract knowledge to life. This holistic approach to education encourages active participation, fosters curiosity, and stimulates the brain in ways that traditional teaching methods often fall short. As a result, it holds great potential in revolutionizing the way we learn and retain information, making it an invaluable asset in modern educational settings.

Example of projection mapping Immersive lab 360 ©New Realities Lab 2023

unlocking engaging and impactful experiences

Dive into immersive content tailored for each sector